Personal project: Baul

Digital Paintings, Original Art, personal post, Process and WIPs, procreate paintings, random nonsense, Sketches

Just want to start something. I dont know what to do with this yet. Will keep dumping character ideas and concepts here. 🙂
One of my goals in the future is to have my own graphic novel , or comics maybe. But that’s still further down the road so i will do what i can for now. Need to start at some point so might as well do something now, right? Lots of character sketches, hopefully will cone up with more ideas soon. Will just keep updating them whenever 🙂 woohoo! Cmon 2017! :

Might be random sketches for now

character 001

Character 010

Personal project: Baul


New sketches! (june 2017)


more sketches


baul_char_03  enjoyed making this character.


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