Art Dump: April and May 2016

Art Jam Entries, Bus Ride sketch, Comic Book Characters, Copics, Digital Paintings, fanart, geeky, Ink and Paper, Lunchbreak Sketch, Manga, Original Art, personal post, Sketches, Studies, timelapse videos, Traditional


I have not posted anything for 2 months! Nyak!!

Been very busy at work, and I went back to my country for my parents’ church wedding!
But for every little free time I had I would draw something and post in on my instagram, so here I am dumping everything I did since I last posted ๐Ÿ˜€


trying out my first stylized self-portrait. My first self-portrait actually lol.


A study of a catwoman ๐Ÿ™‚



For practice, I just searched “animals” in google images, and sketched away.


`a quick sketch of Maria Ozawa

One time I left my tablet at home and i was at my aunt’s place. I had 2 copic markers though. So here’s a quick sketch of a scene from Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

And here’s another batman study ๐Ÿ˜€


My 2nd self portrait: BIG TUMMY TUNTUN



My bro found some of my old drawings in Highschool, and here I did a quick “draw me again” illustration.


A Tony Stark sketch:

#AnimalsOfGoogle illustration 2:




A study of major values ๐Ÿ™‚


an in-progress capture of illustration for an artjam, Viking with alien bio-armor theme


Update 2 on previous sketch:


update 3: Actually this is the submitted version to the artjam:


update 4: and here is me re-visiting that submitted sketch and worked on it more ๐Ÿ™‚


Oh and here’s a quick timelapse ๐Ÿ˜€


90+ % of the illustartions above are created using procreate on an ipad ๐Ÿ™‚


Art Jam Entries, Digital Paintings, Lunchbreak Sketch, Movie Characters, Original Art, procreate paintings, Sketches

I joined another art jam from Metal Pen.

Metal Pen’s Encantadia 2016 Redesign challenge.



I definitely enjoyed working on this artwork. It is very seldom that I finish a full painting. This one took a lot of my lunch hours and many more hours at night. So i guess i’ll just do sketches on the other 3 haha maybe will finish them next time. Will post a timelapse soon for the full painting process of this artwork..
Link to the full album of all entries and details about the artjam can be found here:
Follow me on instagram (
or on fb:
The art jam is still ongoing so if you guys want to participate or just appreciate more of our artworks,ย just head to the facebook link provided above ๐Ÿ™‚
Please don’t forget to put credits if ever this artwork is to be shared ๐Ÿ™‚

Prints of this artwork will be available soon ๐Ÿ™‚

I decided not to do a timelapse video anymore as I wanted to share my thought process while working on the painting. So here is the album instead containing wips and my notes on them. Do visit


999 points for Gryffindor

Art Commissions, Digital Paintings, geeky, Movie Characters, Original Art

Ending 2015 with a bang! Happy new year!

Nagini going for the kill: Ms.ย  Grangerย  couldn’t find the sword of Gryffindor.ย  Instead of the sorting hat,ย  she found a samurai helmet nearby with something shiny inside. She reached in. It was a bladeless hilt.
Just finished my last commission for this year! Umabot!

Cross-over commissioned art for @marcpodi
Visit my fb:


Commission wip: tuntun121215

Art Commissions, Digital Paintings, geeky, Movie Characters, Original Art, Process and WIPs, random nonsense

commission wip_121215 ย by rodreidizon

The force awakens, but where… Update wip on my current commission art! 60% done!

1 year after: Draw This Again post!

Digital Paintings, Original Art, personal post, Process and WIPs, random nonsense, Sketches

Thanks to facebook’s On this Day for showing me a post 1 year ago. i’ve been doing digital painting for a year now! Exactly a year ago I attempted my first digital portrait. I decided to do a quick paintover to see how much I have improved ๐Ÿ™‚ย Here’s my 1st level up Draw this again meme.
Dec 2014 and Dec 2015.


wip: tuntun120715_wip

Art Commissions, Digital Paintings, Movie Characters, Original Art, Process and WIPs



A WIP (work in progress) update for my commission. Studying more dynamic poses and perspective. Hope to apply it correctly on this next artwork. Working on this while watching the latest episode of Grimm.

Keeping the concept a secret for now as per agreement with client ๐Ÿ™‚

Process Video: Zaraki Kenpachi

Comic Book Characters, Digital Paintings, Original Art, Process and WIPs

This the entire process of how I painted my “Zaraki, the new Kenpachi โ€“ aftermath” .

I’m planning on working on new digital paintings next year ๐Ÿ™‚

Batang X, 20 years after

Digital Paintings, Original Art, Process and WIPs

Joined another online art jam: draw your concept of what would batang X be like 20 years after they have defeated zygrax.

this is what I have so far, decided to go with 3-NA dela Paz.

Batang X: 20 years after

Trina dela Paz, aka 3-NA. At a young age, 3-na’s electric waves was able to amplify and control the energy fields surrounding her body. This allowed her to stay inside an energy field that is cloaked in such a way that it distorts the light making her seem invisible to the eye of observer. 20 years later and she is able to transform this energy to whatever forms she needs: energy blaster boost, suit power up, magnetic field manipulation allowing her to levitate her suit and objects around her.

Here is the final image I submitted:

trina-full reso

Finished version of 3-NA (art by Tuntun Dizon)


Reference images from Google image search:


work in progress:

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Korra x Kuvira: The Last Stand

Digital Paintings, Original Art, personal post, Process and WIPs


The paintingย with the most number of hours and wip’s so far as I had a hard time deciding how I wanted it to look like.

Started the initial sketch while watching the final episodes of Avatar: The Legend of Korra. The final version is way way different from the inital sketch haha. Anyway, yey!

I know this still a lot of things to work on, (still yet to learn the basics of good compositions and perspectives) but I decided to not go any further. I hope to draw this again after a year and see how much I improved.ย 

Done in Photoshop with a wacom tablet.

Very messy indecisive trial and error workflow:

Korra x Kuvira: The Last Stand WIPs

Korra x Kuvira: The Last Stand WIPs

Feel free to share just don’t forget to credit me ๐Ÿ™‚

La Presa Panda (GPDA Artjam)

Digital Paintings, Ink and Paper, Original Art, personal post, Process and WIPs, Traditional

I joined an online art jam and it was panda-themed. I decided to do a digital painting version of my very first doodle last year.

1 It was a ย on a recycled calendar (2013).
I remember it started from that drawing, then on my colleagues’ calendars, to painting shirts and shoes, and now to digital painting.

It basically rebooted my passion in arts.
seems appropriate to have this as my first finished drawing this 2015





feel free to share just don’t forget to credit me